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Fidesmo Terms and Conditions

Jan 22, 2024

1. Introduction

Applicable Terms

Thank you for using Fidesmo. Fidesmo is a service provided by Fidesmo AB (“Fidesmo”, “we”, “our” or “us”), a corporation legally registered in Sweden with org. number 556926-0978, located at Regeringsgatan 111, 111 39 Stockholm, Sweden. Your use of Fidesmo, and the apps and websites (referred to as “Apps”), and digital content, services or features (referred to as “Content“) available through it is subject to these Fidesmo Terms and Conditions (“Fidesmo T&C”).

2. Your Use of Fidesmo

Access to and Use of Content

You may use Fidesmo through Apps to browse, view, or download Content for your phone, ring, watch, wearable or other supported device (“Device”). To use Fidesmo, you will need a Device that meets the compatibility requirements for the relevant Content, working Internet access, and compatible Apps. The availability of Content will vary between countries and not all Content may be available in your country. Content may be offered by Fidesmo or made available by third-parties affiliated with Fidesmo (referred to as “Service Providers”). Fidesmo is not responsible for and does not endorse any Content made available through Fidesmo that originates from a source other than Fidesmo.


Availability of and user experience with Devices

Your experience with Devices when using Fidesmo and Content provided through Fidesmo might differ from each other. Some Content or Apps might be available to certain Devices but not others. Access to Fidesmo, Apps and Content may be limited due to, for example, expiry of Content, or the termination of the contractual obligations between the Device Manufacturers and Fidesmo (referred to as “Device License”). The physical characteristics and performance of the Device is the sole responsibility of the Device Manufacturers unless otherwise expressly stated.



You may use Apps provided by Fidesmo, or third party App Developers, to browse, view, or download Content to your Device. The availability of Content might differ between Apps. Not all Devices will be supported in all Apps. Access to Fidesmo, Apps and Content may be limited due to, for example, expiry of Content, or the termination of the contractual obligations between the App Developers and Fidesmo. The performance of the Apps is the sole responsibility of the App Developers unless otherwise expressly stated.


Age Restrictions

In order to use Fidesmo some age restrictions might apply. If you are considered a minor in your country, you must have your parent or legal guardian’s permission to use Fidesmo and to accept the Fidesmo T&C. You must comply with any additional age restrictions that might apply for the use of specific Content.


Third-Party Fees

You are responsible for any access or data fees incurred from third parties (such as your Internet provider or mobile carrier) in connection with your use of Fidesmo, Apps and Content.



Fidesmo, Apps, or Content may need to be updated, for example, for bug fixes, enhanced functions and new versions (collectively, “Updates”). Such Updates may be necessary in order for you to use Fidesmo and Apps or to access, download, or use Content.


Information about You

Fidesmo’s Privacy Policy explains how we treat your personal data and protect your privacy when using Fidesmo. Fidesmo may need to provide your personal information, such as your email address, to Service Providers, Device Manufacturers and App Developers for the purposes of processing your transactions, provisioning Content, and providing the service to you. Service Providers, Device Manufacturers and App Developers agree to use this information in accordance with their privacy policies.


Unauthorized Access to Accounts

You must keep your account details secure and must not share them with anyone else. You must not collect or harvest any personal data of any user of Fidesmo.


Disabled Accounts

If Fidesmo disables access to your account in accordance with the Fidesmo T&C (for example if you violate the Fidesmo T&C), you may be prevented from accessing Fidesmo, Apps, or Content.


Malware protection

To protect you against malicious software, and other security issues, Fidesmo may receive information about your Device, Apps, and Content.


Changes to Fidesmo T&C

If the Fidesmo T&C change, you will be given at least 30 days notice, and the new Fidesmo T&C will be effective after such notice period. Your continued use of Fidesmo, Apps or Content following such a notice period will indicate your acceptance of the new Fidesmo T&C. The new Fidesmo T&C will apply to your use of all Content (including Content you have installed or purchased in the past) and all subsequent installs or purchases.


3. Purchases and Payments

Free Content

Fidesmo may allow you to use Content free of charge. Additional limitations may apply to your access and use of certain free Content.


Purchase of Content

When you buy Content on or using Fidesmo you will enter into a separate sale contract based on the Fidesmo T&C (as applicable) with the seller which will be either:

(a) Fidesmo AB; or

(b) Service Providers of the Content, including where Fidesmo AB is acting as an agent for the Service Providers.

The separate sale contract is in addition to the Fidesmo T&C.


4. Rights and Restrictions

License to Use Content

After completing a transaction or paying the applicable fees for Content, you will have the non-exclusive right, solely as expressly permitted in these Fidesmo T&C and associated policies, to use the applicable Content on your Device or as otherwise authorized for your personal, non-commercial use only. All rights and Content not expressly granted to you in the Fidesmo T&C are reserved. Your use of Content may be governed by the additional terms and conditions of the end user license agreement between you and the Service Providers.


Violation of Fidesmo T&C

If you violate any of the Fidesmo T&C, your rights under this license will immediately terminate, and Fidesmo may terminate your access to Fidesmo, your Device and Content without a refund to you.



You may not:

  • sell, rent, lease, redistribute, modify, sublicense, or transfer any Content to a third party except as specifically permitted and only in the exact manner provided.
  • use Content as part of any service for sharing, lending or multi-person use, or for the purpose of any other institution, except as specifically permitted and only in the exact manner provided.
  • attempt to, or assist, authorize or encourage others to circumvent, disable or defeat any of the security features or components that protect, obfuscate or otherwise restrict access to Fidesmo, Apps or Content.
  • remove any watermarks, labels or other legal or proprietary notices included in any Content, or attempt to modify any Content obtained through Fidesmo, including any modification for the purpose of disguising or changing any indications of the ownership or source of Content.


Service Providers Rights

The Service Providers who distribute their Content through Fidesmo are beneficiaries under the Fidesmo T&C only with respect to the specific parts of the Fidesmo T&C that directly concern their Content, and only for the purpose of enabling Service Providers to enforce their rights to such Content.


Defective Content

Once Content is available to your Device, you should check the Content as soon as possible to ensure that it functions and performs as stated, and notify Fidesmo or Service Providers as soon as reasonably possible if you find any errors or defects.


Removal or Unavailability of Content

Subject to the Fidesmo T&C, Content that you purchase or install will be available to you as long as Fidesmo has the right to make the Content available to you. In certain cases (for example if Fidesmo loses the relevant rights, Content is discontinued, there are critical security issues, the Content or Device is no longer covered by a Device License, the Content is expired, or there are breaches of applicable terms or laws), Fidesmo or Service Providers may remove the Content from your Device or cease providing you with access to the Content that you have purchased. For Content sold by Fidesmo AB, you may be given notice of any such removal, when possible.


Dangerous Activities

None of Fidesmo, Apps or Content is intended for use in the operation of nuclear facilities, life support systems, emergency communications, aircraft navigation or communication systems, air traffic control systems, or any other such activities in which case the failure of Fidesmo, the Content, or Apps could lead to death, personal injury, or severe physical or environmental damage.